Being NOBLE COMRADE means someone who are being "well-known" or "notable" in the clan or in a team, they are the ones who are really honored and trust, and being a WARRIOR is a person experienced in or capable of engaging in combat or warfare.
These statements may consider PATROCLOS, as a noble comrade and a warrior. I agree and consider that he is a noble comrade because he is loved and trusted by Achilles. Achilles is also loyal to Patroclos. In Book 15, Patroclos is convincing Achilles to fight in the war and forget his pride, then Achilles ordered him to wear his armour, and he followed. This is one proof that Patroclos is a noble comrade.
In Book 16, when Patroclos entered into the battlefield, he had already killed many people, and he has swept away the Trojans on the ships of the Achaeans and his spree of killing is unstoppable until he has reached the walls of Troy. This is one proof that Patroclos is a warrior. But in the end, when Apollo stunned Patroclos, Europhedes stabbed him, and killed by Hector.
These proofs may say that Patroclos is a noble comrade and a warrior.